Swallow Your Pride Occasionally, It's Not Fattening
Courtesy and respect open doors. Rudeness closes them since nobody wants to be around a rude person.
There is good pride (taking pride in your work) and there is bad pride (being so proud you think more highly of yourself than you ought).
We're talking about swallowing the second kind today. Pride is an interesting thing. It drives us deeper and deeper into trouble.
We first recognize it and we don't admit it. This is too bad because we could be let off the hook at this point of recognition. Your money could be saved. A relationship could be restored.
But instead, we say, "No way am I going to admit it." And things get worse, and worse, and worse, with each time we refuse to humble ourselves.
Believe me, I know from experience! But won't you get walked on? Sometimes, I suppose, but that is the price you pay for getting it right the rest of the time.
Action Point:
Is there something you have dug into your bunker about? Is there a mistake you have made but won't admit, or a person you have offended but won't reconcile with?
Think about it.
Then take a step today to get it right. Eat your pride for lunch instead of that turkey sandwich.
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