Over $6,000 Raised For Local Charities

On October 19th, our Spicar’s martial arts students helped broke hundreds of boards to raise money for two local charities. The Board Break-a-Thon, held in front of our Flower Mound Taekwondo center, raised over $6,000 for Holton’s Drive for SIDS and Art Conspiracy.

Holton’s Drive for SIDS promotes awareness and research for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and Art Conspiracy supports the local arts.

The crowds enjoyed a beautiful Texas afternoon with clear blue skies and perfect temperature. There was a bounce house, refreshments and the fire department had a fire truck out for kids to explore. The police department was also there with a police cruiser for the kids to check out.

At the end of the day students of all ages had reduced stacks of wood to a large pile of rubble over the course of this awesome event. We hope you will join us next year again!

Adam Spicar

Martial Artist and owner of Reveal Martial Arts Taekwondo Karate.


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